Welcome To J.G.O.M.

Welcome to my little space on the large and ever expanding internet. Here you will find many free and hopefuly useful things. Most of the site content is abouth ineternet and Webpages. But you will also find other thing and topics.

I am a photographer but one of my great interests is the internet, and I take great pleasure in designing WebPages.
Here you will find my free GoLive Actions and extensions, that will help you making WebPages in GoLive. You will also find scripts, tutorials and other resources that hopefully will help you making WebPages.
I am not a GoLive expert, nor an expert in HTML, CSS, JavaScript or other of "language" necessary for making websites. Making websites is a hobby for me. But even tough I hope that this little site can help others making great WebPages, as I have had great pleasure of other sites offering tutorials, actions, script, resources and more.
Im also a part of the danish phpBB forum team and a editor on www.phpBB2.dk suport forum. where my main topic is forum styleing and graphic. On this site you will findsome of my graphics resources, MOD's and other things for phpBB forum.

Best regards

Jesper G.O. Møller